This lesson will be a lot longer then the average lessons ive been posting but thats because i havent posted a new lesson in 3 days.
The first thing I'll be showing you is how to make a table, it is very simple but first u need to make a start and a end for it as the contents of the table will go in between to do this type e following and end it with what the line under says:
<table border="1">
Note: the 1 after border can vary depending on how you want your table.
Now under the first table to make the first row going horizontal start with <tr> and end it with </tr> hen inbetween you will put what you want it to say in each box in the table by starting with <td> and ending with </td> and the thing you want in the first will go inbetween here is an example of what the code will look li now (the numbers are where u can put what you want it toys in the table)
<table border="1">
And once this is put in a html it will look like this:
The first thing I'll be showing you is how to make a table, it is very simple but first u need to make a start and a end for it as the contents of the table will go in between to do this type e following and end it with what the line under says:
<table border="1">
Note: the 1 after border can vary depending on how you want your table.
Now under the first table to make the first row going horizontal start with <tr> and end it with </tr> hen inbetween you will put what you want it to say in each box in the table by starting with <td> and ending with </td> and the thing you want in the first will go inbetween here is an example of what the code will look li now (the numbers are where u can put what you want it toys in the table)
<table border="1">
And once this is put in a html it will look like this:
100 | 200 | 300 |
Now if you want to start more columns under simply start another <tr> and end it the same after the other <tr/> ends.
Now if u want to make a list with dot points simply start it with <ul> And once you fill in what will be in the list end it with </ul> but before you think its that easy before you type each thing in the list you need to add a dot point his can be done by simply typing <li> Followed by the item in the list repeatedly heres an example:
And once this is put into a html it should look like this:
- bulldoghacks
- hacking
Some people although dont want just dot points on there list the want letters, numbers, Roman numerals etc. this is simple to do, all you need to do it change the <ol> at the start to
<ol type="I">
Except replace the I with anything u want instead of a dot point the I is for roman numberals, an A is for letters and a lowercase i is for the different version of numerals. There are much more things you can also use instead though.
Now im going to show you how to make an email hyperlink, this is like the regular hyperlink coding i showed in the last lesson with some minor variations, just after the href part you need to say
If it wasn't obvious u input your email or the email you want it to mail in the spot after the MAILTO part, so it should look like this:
<a href=""<a>
Now to end his lesson i will show you how to make a text area, simply type the following changing the rows and cols part to suit the size you want
<textarea rows="10" cols="30">
Here is what it will look like in html:
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