Sunday, 24 November 2013

Tiny tower hack

Step 1:

First download ifunbox and the hacked files from

Step 2:

Open your multitask by double tapping the home button and delete tiny tower from the multitask, now open ifunbox on your pc and plug in your device. Next click ifunbox classic, then ur device them user applications then click into tiny tower

Step 3:

Now open documents and delete the missions file and then open the winrar folder with the hacked documents and click in to the tiny tower part of it, then copy that hacked file in it then paste it in the documents and u r done, just complete a mission and you'll get 999999 cash.

Jetpack joyride hack

Step 1:

Step 2:

Now go in your i-device double tap the home button and delete jetpack joyride from multitask, now connect your device to your pc and open ifunbox.

Step 3:

Now on ifunbox click on ifunbox classic, them go to your device then user applications, now go find jetpack joyride on it and click into it, now click into documents, then click into the folder called savedir them delete all things in it, now open the downloaded winrar folder with the hacked files and click into the first one unless u have a mac, now copy all those files except ds_store into the savedir folder on ifunbox and u r done, u now have 50 million coins and tons of boosts and quick save lives.

How to shutdown all computers on your school, work or home network

Step 1:

If cmd is banned on the computer your on go to notepad type the following and save it as cmd.bat

Step 2:

Type in echo off, then type shutdown -i
Now a window should pop up click browse and add any computer thats turned on to your list and choose if. Want to give them a 30 sec warning before shutdown or not, then type in a message u want to appear and click ok and your done. Enjoy!

How to access blocked sites on school computers

Step 1:

First u need to unblock cmd since its banned on most school computers, to do this open notepad type the following and save it as cmd.bat

Step 2:

Now open it and type tracert then the website link that is blocked after it except dont type the http:// part eg. tracert now click enter and wait while it finds the IP address. Once its finished look down the bottom of what cmd was typing and u will see a IP address, now type this into where u would type your URL and u are done the page will open and no message will come up saying its blocked.

How to unblock cmd and make yourself a admin on school or work computers/pcs

Step 1: 

To unblock cmd there are various ways and dependent on the cautions taken from your school or work place will vary on which will work to unblock it here are 2 ways to unblock it if the first doesnt work the second definetly will because it changes coding

Step 2:

Now save that file as cmd.bat and open it, now type cc.. And click enter repeat this step one more time, now type net localgroup Administrator username /add
Replace the username part with you accounts username and now u are a admin, if u think ull get caught then just create a completly new account and make it admin, to make a new account type 
Net user username password /add
Replace the username and password with whatever u want the new account username and pass to be and now u are done just make that account a admin and have fun.

Trick friends into thinking all there files are deleted using notepad

Open notepad and type the following below, then save it as delete.bat and the file will act as though it is deleting all things on the pc and will delete itself after it is finished so it cant be traced.
 @echo off
echo do you want to delete all of your computer data? (y/n)
pause >nul
echo Do not exit out of the screen or all computer data will be deleted.
ping localhost -n 2 > nul
echo Are you sure you want to delete all computer data? (y/n)
pause >nul
echo deleting all data...
pause localhost -n 2 > nul
dir /s
ping localhost -n 2 > nul
echo error.. error.. Not all data deleted, are you sure you wish to stop? (y/n)
ping localhost -n 1 > nul
dir /s
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
echo all data has been deleted..
del "c:delete.bat"