Thursday, 28 November 2013

Best VPN for both pc and ios

The top VPN in my opinion that i and many other hackers i know use is vpnoneclick, it allows u to change your ip to any country in the world so u cant get caught when hacking or creating multiple accounts on sites. Enjoy it link for pc and ios below.

Pc link:
Ios link

how to reflect your i-device screen onto your pc

airserver is free and easy to setup from and once u set it up u just go on your i device, double tap the home button (or swipe up from the bottom if ios 7) then click the icon that will look like the image below and then select the name of your computer and open mirroring and u are done your i-device screen will come up onto your computer.

how to spam programs with notepad

have u ever wanted to make a quick .bat file that when someone opened it coninously opened programs of your choice? well heres how, first open notepad, then type start programname
replace the programname with whatever program u want now copy the start part and keep pasting it but remember to click enter each time so theirs spacing now u can do this for as much programs as u want just make sure to save it as anything.bat heres a example for cmd to continously open if u want to copy it:
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe
start cmd.exe

Make sure you vote on our polls to help us improve

Go to the bottom of the page and vote on our polls on was this site helpful and should we make a youtube channel so we can continue providing our best our services to you also thankyou all for all your support with the site and hope it continues.

top 3 programs to record your computer screen free

the download link for all of these in 1 winrar folder is

3: Camstudio
CamStudio Program 

2: blueberry flashback
Flashback Express

1: ezvid
Ezvid Program 

how to lock folders with folder locker

first download folder locker from

then open it and click browse and select a folder then click lock,  now no one can access it until u go back into the program and unlock it again.

how to stop IT people from being able to shutdow your pc at school or work

just simply open notepad and type the following then save it as whatever.bat

this will disconnect your internet for a few min to enable changing your IP address so they cant do anything in this process. use this by when you are doing hacking at work or school keep this on the desktop and if u see a message come from IT quickly open it and they cant do a thing.

how to make a invisible folder

step 1:

go to your desktop and create a new folder, now search for character map and open it.

step 2:

now change the font to one without the oval like thing near it and open it then select one of the boxes with nothing in it and choose copy, now go back to the file u made rename it and click paste now ull see your file has nothing written visible at name.

step 3:

now right click the folder and click properties, then click change icon and scroll till u find a icon wih nothing in it then click apply then ok and you are done, you wont be able to see the folder but double click it and it will open. this is great for hiding secret files, folders etc.

social empires easy hack

many of you may know the facebook game social empires that averages over 10 million monthly players, this game can simply be hacked using cheat engine.

step 1:

open cheat engine and social empires, now open ur browser in cheat engine and change the 4 bytes part to string, now search wood and select them all then change them to cash. now simply chop down some trees and u have cash once u have 60 cash open news and buy 4 of the packs that give u 25,000 of each resource then u will have 100,000 cash now go back to cheat engine and change cash back to wood.

step 2:

now max out everything u want to have in your base then refresh the game and u will see the cash is gone but everything u bought with it is still there using this hack u can easily make anything u want.

email lists totalling over 1 million emails for mass emailing

download the winrar folder and there will be 3 txt files full of emails and there are over 1 million total, have fun mass emailing for either advertisement, spam or anything u want.