Sunday, 19 January 2014

Html coding lesson #1

Most people know that basically all websites use html coding which is why it is so important to learn,  throughout these lessons i will show you he basics of html coding until you have enough knowledge to make a basic website.

The first thing you need to know is every html need to begin with this tag <html> and end with this </html> and inbetween some tags is where all of your coding goes. The next thing you need to know is how to make you sites title which will appear on the top bar when someone is in your site and what it will be called if someone searches your site and sees it on a search engine, to do this type he following except replace title here with your websites title.

title here

Now you need to make the body of your site which is everything that will appear on your websites page, this will all go between these 2 tags starting with <body> and ending with </body>
Also if you want a certain color for your background to be in the first body tag edit in this except change blue to any background color you want

<body bgcolor="blue">

Now in your site you will need a heading to do a heading type the following except change any heading here to your sites heading.

<h1>any heading here<h1>

Also note that this heading will appear on the left site of your webpage if you want it centred or to the right type the following but change the centre part to any position you want it to be in (this applies to all headings, subtitles, paragraphs ect.)

<h1 align="centre"> heading here<h1>

Now also in the body you may want to include paragraphs and subtitles to do these type <p>paragraph here<p>
For a paragraph and
<h2>subtitle here<h2>
For a subtitle.

This is the end of the first lesson check out the second html lesson.

How to get free apps (no jailbreak) 2014 (any ios)

When the new ios 7 came out awhile ago it patched most programs without jailbreak from being able to get free apps, but a new program that worked on previous ios versions has been updated with a button that actually fixes the errors of the paid apps u get for free in this from click
In gout or asking for your apple info when opened. This program can be downloaded from and don't worry about it being in Chinese u search any paid apps you want in English. Now run through the setup progress and once that has finished open it and look on the left sidebar, now the third column down with a picture of the hand holding an apple symbol open it. Now on the top right corner search any paid apps u want to download and then scroll your mouse over them and click the download button. These will then download and once they have finished click the column in the second section with the 4 squares, now plug in your device. Then near he apps u download a button with more symbols on it will come up near them click it and it will install the app onto your device but you are not finished yet. If you look now when you open it, it will just close instantly or ask for your apple information. To fix this error go back to the part of the program where you download apps and look under the search bar for a button with more symbols on it click it and wait till its done. Now you are finished you can get any app you want and download more whenever.

Note: on the site it will be in Chinese so just click the big download symbol when you get to it.